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Astley Bridge and Crompton Filtered Neighbourhood

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Initial Engagement

Back in July / August 2020, we asked your opinions on travel / transport issues and opportunities in the Astley Brook and Crompton area. This was held in order to help shape the design of a concept scheme being worked up by Bolton Council in partnership with Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM), linked to a successful application for development funding through the Mayor’s Challenge Fund.

In total, there were 1,072 unique visitors to the Commonplace during the consultation, a period of five weeks in late July to the end of August. Of these visitors, 16% contributed to the initial conversation through the site.

Key findings include:

• Of those who responded, 37% do not feel comfortable walking in the area and 88% do not feel comfortable cycling in the area.

• The majority of the comments received related to cycling (68% of those who commented), traffic (48%), safety (43%) and walking (39%). Other key topics included the area near a school / nursery (15%) and concerns over air quality (9%).

• The mapping tool enabled respondents to identify specific locations for comment. This revealed clusters of comments on Belmont Road, Blackburn Road, Crompton Way and Halliwell Road, reflecting the more heavily-trafficked roads.

• In order to improve things in the area, the top suggestions were to provide protected space for cyclists (39% of respondents), slow down traffic (36%), install new / safer crossing points (35%), reduce traffic volumes (32%), and improve enforcement (23%).

• An overwhelming majority (86%) agreed that it was important that Astley Bridge & Crompton is served by healthy walking and cycling routes.

The detailed comments and suggestions are being reviewed by the Design Team and we will be looking to consult further on the scheme as it is developed.

Updates on scheme progression will be provided here, as well as the other various media sources highlighted on the home page.

Posted on 18th December 2020

by Bolton Council

What is an Active Neighbourhood?

Greater Manchester has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to revolutionise the way we all get around by creating a fully joined up walking and cycling network, known as the Bee Network.

Active Neighbourhoods are one of three core elements that make up the network alongside protected space on busy roads and quiet routes connected with safe crossings over busy roads. See Transport for Greater Manchester's Made to Move report and Bee Network proposal for more information.

Active Neighbourhoods are Greater Manchester’s take on ‘filtered’ neighbourhoods. These are neighbourhoods where the movement of people is prioritised over the movement of motor vehicles. Typically this is achieved by creating cul-de-sac style access for cars but allowing through traffic for people walking and cycling – traffic is ‘filtered’.

This approach creates spaces to play and socialise, enables more green areas to be created and makes walking short distances more convenient.

Community engagement is key to the success of Active Neighbourhoods' and we are keen to understand the issues locally to inform potential design solutions and enable meaningful change to how people move around in a neighbourhood.

For more information and example schemes, please follow this link .

Posted on 16th August 2020

by Bolton Council

Astley Bridge / Crompton Bee Network Consultation Extended

Please note that the Bee Network consultation for Astley Bridge / Crompton has been extended, you now have until Monday 31 August to respond.

Please help us share the message using the social media links and encourage friends and family to participate.

Posted on 13th August 2020

by Bolton Council